• Question: When you test volcanoes don't you get hurt?

    Asked by to Becky on 24 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Rebecca Williams

      Rebecca Williams answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Hi Andreaa9,
      When you work somewhere like on volcanoes, you have to be very careful. You have to follow rules about how to work and when to keep yourself safe.

      When I worked in Hawaii, near the active lava flows, I would wear a gas mask so I didn’t breath in the volcanic gas, long sleeve tops and trousers so I didn’t get burnt and thick gloves to protect my hands.

      I mostly work on volcanoes that haven’t erupted for many many years, sometimes thousands of years, so I’m in no danger from a volcanic eruption. I am quite clumsy though and trip over a lot! The most hurt I’ve ever got working on a volcano is by tripping over on the rocks 🙁
