• Question: what is the unavers made out of ?

    Asked by to Dre, Charli, Heather, Oliver, Becky on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Rebecca Williams

      Rebecca Williams answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      What a great question! You’re certainly asking us some hard ones Roony. This is a question that people have asked for as long as people can ask questions and one that scientists are still trying to figure out today.

      The Universe is made up of three different types of stuff: normal matter, dark matter and dark energy.

      Normal matter is all the things that you can think of in the universe – the planets, the stars, people, animals, plants and objects like tables and XBoxes. All these things are made up of atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of objects and life. So everything you can see around you is made up of atoms. Only a small part of the universe it made up of normal matter, or atoms, though.

      Most of the universe is made up of dark energy. Dark energy is what fills all the empty space in the universe. Scientists are still trying to full understand what it is. Its funny to think that empty space is full of something! The rest of the universe is made up of dark matter. Because dark matter is, well dark, we can’t see it to really understand what it s. We know it is there because it effects the stuff around it.

      Maybe you can grow up and become a scientist so you can help find out what dark energy and dark matter really are?!

      If you’re interested in space, did you know that the Britain, as part of Europe, has a space agency – our very own NASA? We send rockets and astronauts to space to try and answer some of these questions. The European Space Agency have a great website all about the universe and space here: http://www.esa.int/esaKIDSen/SEMX4EBE8JG_OurUniverse_0.html

    • Photo: Charlotte Flavell

      Charlotte Flavell answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I really can’t improve on that answer from Becky! My best guess would have been “stuff and things”! Great question though 🙂

    • Photo: Oliver George

      Oliver George answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      I could be cheeky and direct you to some philosophers who have spent years and years thinking about the nature of the universe (in a non-scientific way) but I think Becky’s answer is actually much more interesting and helpful. 😉

    • Photo: Andrea Cristini

      Andrea Cristini answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Becky has summed it all up. There are many theories for what dark matter could be. From new types of particles that weight nothing to particles that have been around and isolated but not seen since near the beginning of time.
