• Question: have you ever seen a animul whith more than 2 eais

    Asked by to Dre, Charli, Heather, Oliver, Becky on 18 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Rebecca Williams

      Rebecca Williams answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Hi Roony,
      Lots of animals have more than two eyes. These are mostly insects and spiders – so I bet you have seen an animal with more than two eyes too!

    • Photo: Oliver George

      Oliver George answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      I have! Some scientists have grafted ears onto rats to develop new techniques for transplants. In the wild though there are no animals with more than 2 ears.


    • Photo: Charlotte Flavell

      Charlotte Flavell answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Yes, I saw a horseshoe crab on Coney Island once in New York – they have 2 normal looking eyes on either side of their shell but they also have a further 5 eyes elsewhere! They are really weird looking and they look like they might be aliens!! They even have BLUE BLOOD!

      check out this video about them here:

    • Photo: Andrea Cristini

      Andrea Cristini answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      No…..I’m not sure any animals exist that naturally have more than 2 ears? It would be pretty cool to see one though
